Kind Consultancy Newsletter – End of Q3 2017
I’m very pleased and proud to announce that 2017 has seen the most successful Q3 in the history of Kind Consultancy, making significant gains on Q3 2016 which was itself a big step up from previous years.
A lot of factors have contributed to that success- part of it is the growth of our interim division, which continues to place highly skilled GRC contractors onto projects across the UK and Europe. Between the reputation we’ve built for work in this area and our preferred recruitment partner of the International Compliance Association status, we’ve had more and more new clients reaching out directly to ask for help with interim Compliance positions, and I look forward to growing this division further.
I think our record-breaking Q3 also speaks to the ongoing change in market focus throughout the Banking and Financial Services sectors. More and more organisations are holding compliance, regulation and cybersecurity at the forefront of their minds, and built into their heart of their business plans, where these areas were once treated as a box-ticking afterthought.
I’m very pleased with how well our recently expanded team has gelled together and helped to expand our reach, and we’re already having a very busy month, supporting UK and international clients with large-scale projects. One source of these is the incoming GDPR directive and related data privacy projects.
As an early champion of the need for dedicated GDPR professionals, we’ve built up an amazing database of GDPR specialists who are now helping organisations to get ready for the biggest change to data privacy laws in over 20 years. I’m confident we’re well on the way to having another great quarter, and by the time the end of the year arrives, we’ll have plenty to celebrate.